Big Mike Davidson, Voiceover Talent And Former Radio Host, Dies

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    Big Mike

    Condolences to family and friends of radio personality and voiceover specialist “BIG MIKE” DAVIDSON, who passed away of a heart attack MAY 30th in MINNESOTA, according to posts from his family on his FACEBOOK page.

    DAVIDSON served as morning man and PD at NASSAU BROADCASTING Full Service WHWH-A/PRINCETON in 1986-93, then at WMTR-A/MORRISTOWN, NJ, KOSO/MODESTO, CA, and WMGK/PHILADELPHIA before moving into television as a host at shopping channels GLOBAL SHOPPING NETWORK, VALUEVISION/SHOPNBC, and QVC.  Most recently, he served as a voiceover talent based in the TWIN CITIES.

    Services will be held in MINNEAPOLIS at LAKEWOOD CEMETERY CHAPEL on JUNE 11th and in NEW YORK at 546 Main Street (ROOSEVELT ISLAND) on JULY 3rd.  Questions and condolences can be sent to CARON BELL, 6650 Vernon Avenue South #307, EDINA, MN 55436 or

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